I know a lot of people have been wondering how the surgery went so I thought that I would give you all and update.
It has been nine days since I went in for the surgery for endometriosis. The recovery hasn't been too bad so far, I'm just having a hard time restraining myself from over doing it. As for the surgery, it went well the doctor was able to remove the endo and also detach my left ovary that was attached to my uterus. As for my right ovary, there was a hemorrhaging cyst that the doctor could not remove or drain because there would've been so much blood loss and he wasn't certain he could stop the bleeding. I was thinking about putting a picture up of it but I thought I would spare you the grossness of it. Anyways, he left it there in hopes that it would just go away on its own.
So everything was going great until two nights ago while I was making dinner and starting to have a little cramping. It was nothing bad at all but I could definitely feel something going on. I just ignored it and continued to cook. After we were done eating I stand up from the table and immediately felt like someone stabbed me on my right side. I almost dropped to the ground, I right away thought of that cyst and I was pretty sure that it had just burst. I tried to just play it off but Matt noticed that I was leaned over the counter and knew something wasn't right. I had some Percocet left over from the surgery so I took some right away...ya it didn't even phase me. That's how bad it was hurting! After much debate we decided not to go to the E.R. because all they were going to do was put me on Morphine and then tell me to see my doctor the next day. I am pretty tough girl so I just put on my big girl panties and dealt with it. Didn't sleep well but I made it through the night.
I went to my doctor today and long story short......ANOTHER SURGERY IT IS!!!!!! REALLY? I MEAN COME ON?? Come to find out, I have chronic appendicitis or the endo is already back. The doctor seems very confident that its my appendix and not the endo, he said he has never heard or seen the endo coming back that quickly after a KTP Laser treatment. So we are hoping and praying that it is just the appendix and not the endo. We are going to try to find a general surgeon that can do the surgery ASAP so that I can recover sooner so that we don't give the endo time to grow back. It's just a waiting as for right now, we can only wait.
Today has been quite the rough day....